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Model Aviation is where MMP started.

Flying cannot be accomplished year round in Minnesota without some quality snow skis.

As such, MMP was born out of necessity.

Things have changed in model aviation. Prefabricated airplanes. Computer simulators. Where people can fly together in cyber flying fields, with no risk of crashing, no bad weather, and no fresh air. And, drones that takeoff, fly, and land themselves.

I don't get any satisfaction in buying a pre-built airplane in a box. Nor, do I enjoy flying without any fear, or, adrenaline. No changing weather. No thrills.  And, no risk of losing your pride and joy airplane, which you spent so much time hand crafting. I also do not enjoy having a computer program fly my aircraft for me. That is not a hobby to me. That is just buying toys and playing with them until you are soon bored to tears.

I am a builder. And a flyer.

I take pride in what I build. And, I build and fly with risk, skill, and challenge. I have taken a break from it all for a while now. But, I hope to showcase some fun planes. Fun builds. And, possibly inspire some people to get into the real hobby of building and flying in real Model Aviation.